When clients visit the A Legendary Affair Showroom and are seeking a photographer, I suggest that they evaluate each choice based on 3 things ... Style, Value, and Personality. Sounds pretty easy, huh?! Well - maybe not. As with other event related services, when it comes to photography pricing to determine value, it is difficult to compare "apples to apples".
One of our prized A Legendary Affair photographers, Mimi Teller-Rosicky of Mimi Teller Photography has come to the rescue with these helpful insights and suggestions...
As couples navigate the murky waters of finding the perfect wedding photographer (and they do exist!) one of the overwhelming details are the wide ranges of cost. Wedding photography packages can start as high as $100,000 and range down to $750. Assuredly, the $100k range will resemble a lavish Hollywood's Who's Who wedding, while the middle range photographers for us 'normal' folks fall between $1,800 - $8,000, depending on how many albums, photographers and hours of coverage. Still, one wonders, why such a spread?
Allow me to explain why: A lot more goes into shooting a wedding than having a nice camera, a few flash cards and the computer software to process the final product. The overhead for a reliable and knowledgeable photographer should include all of the following:
• The latest equipment, camera bodies (at least two), lenses (at least four), computer and software
• Regular cleaning and maintenance of all equipment (at least three times a year)
• Purchase new flash cards every six month or every 15-20 weddings
• Keep dozens of fresh, professional quality batteries on hand
• Attend one to two educational and informational seminars, workshops or conferences each year
• Subscribe to industry related magazines (and make time to read them)
• Research each client's venue for the best light and shooting locations before the event day
• Understand each client's style, taste and character to best represent those aspects in photographs
• Belong to a few professional organizations (annual fees start at $100 for each)
• Invest in multiple, top quality external hard drives and 100-year archival CDs for backing up
photograph files. Archive each client's event for at least one year.
These are only a few of the items behind the cost of a photographer who takes their work and their clients seriously and will more than likely be around after the fly-by-nighters have found another get rich quick scheme. If you choose to pay less for your wedding photographer, at least present this list to them and find out which items you're willing to live without?
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